Life is Motion
Taking Action Helps You Feel Alive Again
In recent weeks I have been reaching out to meet up with former coworkers, and it has been a great sense of support. This particular outing, I met up with them at BLD Chandler (a lovely brunch joint off of Germann and Dobson), and I was trying to figure out what to drink. I ended up choosing an energy drink, but it made me wonder “What was going to energize me the most?”: the energy drink or meeting up with a colleague?
I have been reflecting on what I have been wanting in my life lately, and I realized that I have missed feeling alive. Sometimes when I overwork, I feel drained, with little energy to enjoy even the little things. It is the whole reason I made my move into private practice: to actually have a life.
Yet in these beginning stages of private practices, before I have even left my agency work, that I am noticing life starting to flow back into me. Getting steps done, like making a blog post, creating and sharing business cards, and meeting up with therapist friends is giving me life!
Is it the excitement for the near future that is nurturing me? Or perhaps it is the action and movement in my own life, of my own doing, that is the key to rejuvenation?
Perhaps it is both, but a while back I would have assumed that it was the anticipation that was mostly fueling me. However, in my own recent healing, I am leaning towards the motion, the action itself that is revitalizing my spirit. Movement is life!
By taking action, I am restoring my own life force. I can feel it in my blood! If you ever reach a point where you feel like a living zombie, perhaps notice where movement (or the lack of) is in your life. I would guess that there is little motion, growth, or expansion if you are stuck feeling that way. Test it out. Purposefully make a change and see how your own movement, your own agency, revives you.
Sometimes in life we need to pause, but sometimes we need to press play. Being zoned out in your daily life is a sign you need to unpause. Life is change and motion, so let yourself move! It is okay if there are hiccups, that is life. You can’t live life if you put avoiding mistakes first. Prioritize living a full life. The life you waste not living will never come back.