Walking in Their Shoes
Sometimes when you shop for shoes, you are seeking certain experience. You might be looking for comfort. You might be experimenting with a new look. Or you might be wanting to be perceived differently. Could therapy be considered an emotional equivalent?
In therapy, you might be seeking out a certain feeling, like validation, acceptance, a space to just be you without judgement. You might be unhappy with your current walk in life, and be wanting to try out something new. Perhaps you are hoping that by changing the path you are walking on, people will stick by you. Or maybe you just want to like the person in the mirror.
Whatever your reason is, it is normal and healthy to want change. People shop to change things up all of the time. Even if you don’t want things to change, they eventually do change, which is outside of your control. So it is our work together in therapy to help you pick out which shoes you want, so that you can actually enjoy the walk in your own life.