Appreciation is Mutual

When we feel shame, we often feel as if the world would be better off without us. But that simply isn’t true. It is so easy to notice all of the ways we are not welcomed in a space, yet we don’t see at all the ways that our presence is appreciated. You might think of the Covid lockdowns, and how much you missed just seeing people, and how the world felt empty without them. People feel the same way without you there. They may forget to actually tell you that they love your giggle, or how hearing your disgruntled sigh is validating, or that your mere presence helps them not feel as alone in the world. But they do feel that way. Poet Khalil Gibran advised this: "And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." So even if you have trouble believing that other people enjoy you being here, notice how the world around you thrives off your presence. What is wind if there is no one to feel it? Your connection to the earth gives it meaning. As it is valued by you, it values you back. Your connection to the world is mutually felt. When you love the feeling of the sun on your skin, or share a smile with a neighbor, that connection is strengthened.

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."

~ Khalil Gibran


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