Improve Your Gift-Giving Skills by Fixing Your Relationship with Money

Money is noted to be the biggest source of stress for a couple, and that becomes more intense when they differ in their relationship towards money. That’s because not only does money require strategy to manage well, but money is also a symbol of worth, and what we choose to spend on can communicate how much someone feels valued. In Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, he iterates this, “If you are to become an effective gift giver, you may have to change your attitude about money.” Many people, including myself, feel quite loved when we receive gifts. It isn’t usually about the actual cash value of the gift we receive (with gifts we are often enjoying feeling known, someone taking the time to get something we’d like, feeling thought about, etc), but it definitely can be felt if someone restricts their gifting options heavily based on finances, especially if the money is there. So, even addressing one’s relationship money can be a worthy measure taken to support their relationships with others!

“If you are to become an effective gift giver, you may have to change your attitude about money.”

~ The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman


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