Prioritizing Authenticity

Living authentically is something that a lot of people strive for. In fact, that is something most of the people who see me for therapy list as a goal. Even if they don’t name authenticity specifically, they say it when they voice wanting to be unafraid, confident, and to fully love and accept themselves with their thoughts, words, and actions. In Devon Price’s book, Laziness Does Not Exist, they outline a key step, “When we set priorities based on our real feelings rather than society’s ‘shoulds’, we feel a greater sense of authenticity.” We need to spend time really figuring out who you are without shame. What do you actually feel? When you start paying attention and honoring your feelings, you begin to show yourself respect, and self-respect leads to being unafraid to be yourself, no longer presenting a lie.

“When we set priorities based on our real feelings rather than society’s ‘shoulds’, we feel a greater sense of authenticity.”

~ Laziness Does Not Exist, by Devon Price


Free From Perfect


Eroding Trauma