Relaxation from Risking Authenticity

Showing up in the world is similar to having your photo taken. Like photographer Nicholas Mixon describes, "People are self-conscious at first. But it gets better as we kind of dance with each other... it's like a date, in a way. We get more comfortable together. The best pictures are usually the last ones." This is in life as well. We are nervous being perceived at first. We fear not knowing what to do, making mistakes, being new, and making fools of ourselves. The only way forward is through - you need to show up and risk the embarrassment to eventually relax. You need to authentically connect with others, being somewhat vulnerable when you do so, because when you do that, you see that you are indeed loveable, that you aren’t alone in your mess-ups, that we all are living life the first time together.

"People are self-conscious at first. But it gets better as we kind of dance with each other... it's like a date, in a way. We get more comfortable together. The best pictures are usually the last ones."

~ Nicholas Nixon


Looking for Signs of Love


Healing Mistake Wounds