The Purpose of Goals

Even at the start of therapy, you are often asked about what it is that you want. Many people have a hard time even considering what they want out of therapy beyond just not feeling as bad. The reason this is asked is because of the reason Suzy Kassem states, "A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers." We need to figure out where we need to start, because if you don’t even have an inkling of what you want, how do we know what direction to work towards? Sometimes therapy needs to just start with helping you actually envision a life you desire. Then you more clearly see what blocks you from getting there, you start seeing that there is a path to the life you want for yourself, and you build up the motivation to fly.

"A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers."

~ Suzy Kassem


Sharing Our Pains and Joys


Living the Life You Long For