Becoming a Better Artist
The great Renaissance artist Michelangelo had said, "Your gifts lie in the place where your values, passions and strengths meet. Discovering that place is the first step toward sculpting your masterpiece, Your Life,” and that is the root of what we do together in therapy. We help you reflect upon your values, passions, and strengths, reminding you that you are the sculptor of your own life. You are the sculpture! Treat yourself as any great work of art, and admire the creation, the signs of being made, the many facets and layers of work, the material being used, and the awe you invoke in the world. Become a better artist by knowing yourself better, learning what impact your actions have in order to be more intentional with your choices, and understanding what material and tools you are working with.
"Your gifts lie in the place where your values, passions and strengths meet. Discovering that place is the first step toward sculpting your masterpiece, Your Life."
~ Michelangelo