Savoring Life
Consider Andy Rooney’s words: "Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." Most of us have probably heard of how the journey is more important than the destination, but we don’t really take that into practice into our daily lives. You don’t find happiness after accomplishing something, you find it while you are doing the task itself. This means engaging in everyday tasks present, aware, and outside of our heads. I’ve actually read in Devon Price’s book, Laziness Does Not Exist, about how savoring something is a needed skill to increase our sense of appreciation in the moment. We need to exclaim how great something is, show the excitement, name it, share it with others, and really notice all the aspects you love about it! Society, friends, workplaces, school classrooms, and our families at home all play a part in shaming us for our cheer, but if you want to reclaim your joy found in the world, you need to rebel against their attempts to make you feel smaller. Take up space, and allow your joy to radiate beyond you. You make the world a happier place when you do so.
"Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it."
~ Andy Rooney