The Driver’s Seat of Life

Increasing our sense of agency is at the heart of a lot of therapies. Agency is the ownership over one’s life and decisions, increasing your felt sense of willpower. Consider this quote by Richard Koch, from his book The 80/20 Principle: “Most of our failures are in races for which others enter us. Most of our successes come from races we ourselves want to enter. We fail to win most races because we enter too many of the wrong ones: their races, not ours.” Step into the driver’s seat, decide where you want to go, and you will find yourself usually succeeding. Don’t be just trying to drive towards a goalpost you never actively stepped into the car to head towards.

“Most of our failures are in races for which others enter us. Most of our successes come from races we ourselves want to enter. We fail to win most races because we enter too many of the wrong ones: their races, not ours.”

~ The 80/20 Principle, by Richard Koch


Scraping Off Trauma Barnacles


You’ll Never Feel Loved if You Don’t Choose