Starting the Day Grateful
Many times, therapists or self-help guides will recommend that you practice gratitude at the end of the day, maybe over dinner, or right before bed. However, beginning your day that way might suit you better. Henry David Thoreau mentioned that "An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." For morning people, like myself, beginning the day in a quiet space of mindfulness, perhaps enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, the rays of sunshine beginning to emerge, the fresh breeze of the air, or the sounds of birds beginning to stir, is a way to help you live all day in that mindset. You’ve already found your day to be enjoyable, so any stressors thrown on you have some cushion to land on, making your day-to-day lived experience less hard.
"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."
~ Henry David Thoreau